Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dear reader,
Of all the English pieces that I could have possibly wrote about, why did I choose this particular one? Well, to answer your question, I chose this piece because I thought it was the only one that I actually conquered the following not two, but three areas of Writing:
#1- Transition of Ideas: My use of transitions shows the reader what I am talking about and where I am going with my thoughts.

#2- Voice: It shows that the way I talk to my friends is different from the way in which I talk to professors/Teachers.

#3- Vocabulary: My vocabulary is advanced and allows the reader to see just why and how much I know I will be graduating in 2011.
So pass read my essay, and then pass your verdict by sending me a comment.
- Nicole
P.S- I Don`t want you to read the entire essay because I only wanted to give you a taste of it and I only wanted you to focus on the areas mentioned.

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