Thursday, November 6, 2008

Revised Thesis Statement

Even though, many people may argue that President Herbert Hoover was a bad president because he waited too long to respond to the major crisis, The Great Depression, I feel that Herbert Hoover served as an excellent president because he proved that in the event of a major crisis that he could still rise to the occasion and resolve any matter. For example, way before he was even considered as a presidential candidate, he served as the United States Secretary of Commerce where he got tourist and other businessmen to contribute to a charitable cause that started in the beginning of WW1 where he and other volunteers handed out food, clothing, and etc. to help the victims that lost everything and needed food. So in conclusion, if he hadn’t acted at all then our economy would’ve been in far more turmoil then it is in now thanks to President Hoover’s stride or attempts to fix the troubled economy.

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