Thursday, October 16, 2008

First Annotation

"Herbert Hoover." Wikipedia. 16 October 2008, at 16:20.. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 16/10/2008 .

This article was about what Hoover did even before he became president. For example, he was the United States Secretary of Commerce where he got tourist and other businessmen to contritube to a chartitable cause that started in the beginning of WW1 where he and other volunteers handed out food, clothing, and etc. to help the victims that lost everything and needed food.

It also goes on to say how he was a humanitarian and was later called Head of the American Food Administration where he worked 14 hours a day to help 9 million war victims and promoted government intervention. He was born August 10, 1874, and died October 20, 1964 at the age of 90. One thing that stuck out to me is the fact that after his term he was frowned upon because of the Great Depression.

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