Friday, January 4, 2008

Should Huckleberry Finn be taught in School?

Dear Reader,
the following is an debate argument about Huckleberry Finn that first started off as a class essay and evolved into an argument that myself and another class mate of mine were debate in class. Hope you enjoy it and based on what you`ve read, pass your verdict।


Should Huckleberry Finn be taught in CHS?

Resolved: Huckleberry Finn should NOT be used or taught in CHS.

Value Premise: My value premise is Education defined as the result produced by instruction, training, or study; the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process; and an educator, who is defined as one to which is skilled in teaching; a student of the theory and practice of education; and an administrator in education who has the duty of instilling good morals and values in a being, which leads me to my value criterion.

Value Criterion: My value criterions are education, truth, and responsibility, because each of these things are important when feeding the hungry minds of adolescence.

Contentions- Too much Violence, Domestic abuse, and gang violence.
Yes, domestic violence does exist, but is the purpose of school to teach students how to read, write, and become articulate individuals of tomorrow, or victims or criminals because of this book’s influence?
If children can be influenced to commit murders, crimes, and suicide, from the influence of video games, movies, and magazines, why is it hard to believe that you’ll get the same result from books? Is it because it is literature? Literature can have the same effect as well.
Contention 2: The language in this book is unacceptable.
The cursing and the use of the term “nigger” throughout this book is not appropriate for that of the school environment. If in the School District of Philadelphia Student Code of conduct it prohibits the use of profound language and it is enforced within the school’s rule and policies, why is it that students should be able to read this type of material?
Contention 3: This book is too controversial: Causes too much tension between people. The following are reasons that this book is too controversial:
• The term “nigger’ used too much
• Slavery
• Gangs
• Abuse
• Drugs
• Disrespect of authority
• Profanity
As you can see the list goes on and these and more reason are why this book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be taught in CHS or schools period.

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