Monday, January 26, 2009

NHD Reflection of 2009

This year NHD was easy but I guess that is because we had a chance last to do it. This year it was also easier because my partner, Korin had a good work ethic and that was so awesome considering the fact that last year my partner didn’t really do anything and our project reflected it. Another reason why this year` s NHD was much better was because last year I held all my anger in and because of stress, I received my first three gray hairs, but this year, my partner Korin, made me laugh so much that whatever that was bothering no longer bothered me or stressed me out.
I thought that our project was very interesting and we really put a lot into it to make it both attractive as well as knowledgeable even though I do understand why we didn’t win. For one, I don’t believe that we put enough primary sources on our board and I think that we should have made Herbert Hoover’s legacy a bit clearer because I think that was one of the major concerns of the judges.
Next year I plan on doing an exhibit again and I wouldn’t mind working with Korin again because she was such a good partner. These are things that made NHD this year more enjoyable for me.